Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Grave Web by Betty Sullivan La Pierre

Publisher: SynergEbooks

ISBN: 0-7443-1405-4

Genre: Mystery

Becky Simpson has just lost her father and in acting as executrix of his estate she uncovers secrets and mysteries that he had hidden from her and her brother all their lives. At the same time she is trying to recover from her loss, she decides this is the time to find her missing mother. She hires Hawkman to discover her whereabouts.

With no idea as to the hornet's nest they are about to stir up, Hawkman begins almost immediately to ask questions. One clue leads to another and then threats begin to both Hawkman and his client. And he is worried.

What dangerous person has he antagonized with his investigation? Who among those he's talked to feels threatened. Is it the yardman, the neighbor, her father's friends or tenants, or another?

Talented author Betty Sullivan La Pierre has, as always, crafted a tale of intrigue, dark secrets and plenty of action. The people will seem like old friends and you'll want to read all of her books.

This is a book I'm pleased to recommend to any reader. A fun read all the way through, a great way to pass some pleasant hours. Enjoy. I sure did.

Review by Anne K. Edwards

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