Friday, November 7, 2008

Trial in Jade by Margaret Evans

Publisher: Moonlight Mystery Press
ISBN: 9780978907617
Genre: Science Fiction/Mystery Thriller

An ancient Mayan city has been discovered in the hills of California and plans are afoot for the return of the Mayans in a new kingdom. But, even as those plans move forward, there is one, Ua'metl, who had different ideas.

Talented author Margaret Evans reintroduces the reader to a historic civilization little known today. History, mythology, mystery, blend together to make for an interesting and intriguing read that will please any reader who likes to venture into a combination of genres that makes foor a fun read.

Join Amy Parrish Magee and her husband, Joe, as they work for the new world that will be partially based on the old that is being unexcavated near their home. The discovery is a secret, but there are those who know and are destined to take part in the new kingdom.

But, no matter how carefully things are planned, Will Rodriguez who is also called Xarantu, knows that things can go wrong. His sister Candis, has a job to do, yet she is distracted by other possibilities. Will she remain steadfast? Will Ua'metl succeed in his own plans for this new world? Will the new world come into fruition? To find out, you must read the book.

This is a great combination of genres with a good measure of suspense in all added and you will have to keep reading. Recommended as worth the time and a look at an original story.

Enjoy. I did.

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